Public Access Files

20 June, 2022 4 min read

With the compliance mandates around public access files (PAF), they continue to be a point of worry for recruiters and staffing agencies. Recognizing this, SWARMHR released a feature that not only automates this for you, but also relieves you of the constant run to be compliant.

What are Public Access Files?

As we all know, public access files are a consolidated list of the below documents of a consultant:

  • LCA Cover Page
  • Labor Condition Application Wage Rate Statement Benefit Summary
  • Notification Documents for Posting of the LCA & Job Posting List of “exempt” H-1B employee
  • Actual Wage Rate Memorandum
  • Copy of Prevailing Wage Determination

Companies filing H1Bs (extensions, amendments, new jobs etc) , are mandated to have Labor Condition Application (LCA), as well as public access files. These LCAs are filed with the Department of Labor. As per US labor laws, companies filing for LCAs are mandated to have a PFA for the LCA within 24 hours of filing.

SWARM HR’s Public Access Files

SWARMHR enables instant PAF creation for you, taking away the worry of compliance and procedure.

It all starts with a checklist of necessary documents ensuring no mistakes. Along with this, there are additional options to upload any desired documents. There is also an option to register and store multiple signatures of required approving authorities. The automation and standardization of fields within a seamless procedure make this process of PAF creation and uploading error-proof.

Benefits you Reap:

You save 100% of the time spent in creating a Public Access File – the system automatically does it for you.
Automate creation and hosting of a PAF with a single-click.

The system auto-generates the defined public access file, thus ensuring you are always compliant.
Eliminate the need of an FTE with a robust system that guarantees error-free results.
Maintain all data in a centralized, secure database.
Avoid penalties by making the PAF available within 24 hours of an H1B being filed (A cover letter is automatically hosted on SWARMHR which ensures compliance until the PAF is published).
Integrated with the DOL website allowing users to import LCAs directly from the source.


Catapult to digital-first organization

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